Access to Safe Water to Schools and Households in Cyclone Fani affected villages
The project 'Rehabilitation of Drinking Water supply to Schools, Anganwadis, Households and Securing Livelihood through Mason Training in Cyclone Fani affected villages' aims to create water supply and distribution infrastructure to ensure access to safe water for Cyclone Fani affected villages. This will benefit 280 households and three schools across three villages in Khorda district in Odisha.
The project aims to ensure access to safe water to school and households in Cyclone Fani affected villages.
3 villages
Khordha in Odisha
August 2019 to January 2020
₹ 17.33 lakh
PricewaterhouseCoopers India Foundation
- Formation of Village Development Committee
- Installation of piped water supply system through stand posts in the village
- Capacity building of village development committees to operate and maintain the water supply systems
- Repairing of school and Anganwadi toilets
- 28 men and women trained as masons
- Formation of Village Development Committees in three villages
- 6000 litre RCC water tank constructed in the school premises of Krushnanagar Ambapadia, Bhalunka, Chudanga villages
- Hand Wash Basin with four taps constructed in the schools and with two taps in the Anganwadis of three villages
- 11 Water Standposts in Krushnanagar Ambapadia, Bhalunka and Chudanga for supplying drinking water to the village communities
- Four school toilets repaired in Krushnanagar Ambapadia and Chudanga
- Seven Anganwadi toilets repaired in Krushnanagar Ambapadia and Chudanga
- Water supply connections to the toilets of schools and Anganwadis of the three villages