

We build village level capabilities, structures and processes to enable stronger self-governance by the communities. The design of these structures and the principles of the processes ensure that women participate and lead. Community institutions take the leadership to influence local government decisions and stake claims to their rightful share in the resources deployed locally.


We build village level capabilities, structures and processes to enable stronger self-governance by the communities. The design of these structures and the principles of the processes ensure that women participate and lead. Community institutions take the leadership to influence local government decisions and stake claims to their rightful share in the resources deployed locally.

A village level institutional platform is integral to all activities taken up by Gram Vikas. The activities and results are owned and managed by the village community. The Village Water and Sanitation Committee (VWSC) is the common platform, where community-level decisions are taken and carried out.

Wherever the benefits from an intervention is meant to accrue to the village as a whole, we insist that every household participate in the activities as equal partners. Every household pays some share of the costs in materials and labour. If a family is really too poor to be able to afford these costs, the village comes forward to help them. The VWSC coordinates these efforts.

In Sanitation projects, each household contributes to a corpus fund in an equitable manner with the richer households often paying more and the poorer households paying less.

In case of activities where a few households benefit, such as a land development or agriculture related activity, the benefitting households are identified and their terms of participation finalised based on discussions with the VWSC. Gram Vikas does not make decisions independent of the committee.


Mushroom farming drives hopes for women to earn better and improve quality of life

Women earn additional income through mushroom farming.

Women collectives reap the rewards of cooperation and commitment

Determined self-help groups ensure water, light, food, health, and incomes for Nuasahi village.

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