Tribal entrepreneurs receive farm and health information on their smartphones


By GV News Desk

14 January 2019

Gram Vikas setup the hardware architecture and developed the software for WiFi connectivity in Adibasi Colony and Kandha Tirigochha village in Ganjam district of Odisha with the support of Oracle and Charities Aid Foundation India. The hardware architecture comprises of Raspberry Pi (Model 3B), a 40 W Solar panel and a Lithium ion 11.1V/20Ah Battery assembled and put up on a GI pole at a height of 20 feet in a suitable location within the village. This ensures complete WiFi connectivity in each of the households in those villages.

The software has also been developed for the cloud and local servers. With this, village entrepreneurs from the Adivasi colony and Kandha Tirigochha villages can go to the nearest internet point and directly download farm and health-related content from the Gram Vikas Cloud with their smartphones. This content is then uploaded by the village entrepreneur on to the Raspberry PI based local server upon return to their remote village.

The local server provides WiFi in a 50-metre radius, within the village, all day round as a result of Solar power with Lithium backup. Twenty-nine households in the Adivasi colony and Kandha Tirigochha villages can access curated content as and when they require. Till date, the curated content mostly pertains to locally relevant farm related best practices. Efforts are on to curate locally relevant ICDS content also.

These remote villages otherwise have unreliable internet and poor mobile connectivity.

Community in village Maligaon, Kalahandi district, accessing the Smart Community webpage to view agriculture related information.

Photograph from Gram Vikas archive


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