Holistic Rural Development Programme in Nayagarh district
The ‘Holistic Rural Development Programme’ seeks to bring about dignified and healthy living among the rural communities and strengthen community self-governance. This will be achieved through simultaneous interventions in natural resource management, agriculture, livelihoods; social awareness, health, education; water, sanitation, infrastructure development; and leadership training for women self help groups (SHGs). The programme in 17 villages of Nayagarh district reached 3605 households, 24% of which have no operational land holding.
Specifically in livelihoods, the project aims to harness natural resources and holistic agronomic practices for sustainable higher agricultural production.

3605 households, 17 villages
Nayagarh in Odisha
October 2017 to December 2021
₹9 crore
HDFC Bank Parivartan
- Enhancing soil moisture condition and horticulture plantation on 40 acres of common land
- Improving package of practices in rice and green gram cultivation, providing common implementers to farmers clubs, and pisciculture
- Promotion of kitchen garden, vermicompost production, farmers training camps, and leadership training for SHGs
- Renovation of two community ponds through de-siltation and stabilisation to improve the percolation rate thereby increase sub-soil water level
- Improved Package of Practice (IPoP) in crop reached around 2390 farmers across 2589 acres.
- 29% increase in grain and 54% increase in biomass realized with IPoP for green gram
- Average ₹6800 per acre net income realized with IPoP across crops
- Average ₹3400 net savings reported by 323 farmers (86%) from crop loss during cyclonic storm ‘Jawad’, because of crop advisory services disseminated through village weatherboard and SMS.
- 3 women SHGs adopted biofloc model of fishery; 9 Village Development Committees reported ₹67,000 average income through community fishery.
- 64 families have daily average income up to ₹370 (from no income) through adoption of various livelihood means
- Renovation of community ponds yielded 54% more water storage and clean pond surroundings for social use.
- Wall paintings in common places displays good socio-economic practices.
- 215 solar street lights installed in strategic locations resulting in improved accessibility and safety aspects.