Project PRAYAS – Building sustainable and resilient rural communities
Project Prayas will enable provisioning of year-long safe water at household level, equip households with adequate sanitation infrastructure and create open defecation free villages and build capacities of village level institutions for better organization management and preparedness.
The project aims to strengthen social systems and community infrastructure, create WaSH infrastructure, and promote improved practices leading towards a healthy living in six intervention villages of Angul district. In addition, a baseline study and intervention plan will be made for eight new villages for future interventions.

Six villages
Angul district in Odisha
October 2021 - March 2023
₹2 Crore
Essel Mining and Industries Limited (EMIL)
- Establish piped water supply system in 2 villages to ensure year round access to clean drinking water
- Repair and augmentation of existing drinking water sources and toilets & bathing rooms (TBR) in 6 villages
- Build raised platform with soak pit for all tube well and dug well infrastructures
- Capacity building and technical support to communities for water quality management, solid-liquid waste management and strengthening village institutions.
- Wall painting & IEC development
- Provide solar street lighting in 6 villages
- Provide solar home lighting facilities
- Established piped water supply in two villages. 185 families across the two villages secured year-round access to clean drinking water.
- 25 families benefitting from two renovated dug wells in Phulijhari Harijan sahi village.
- 256 families in Phulijhari, Balinali, and Balinali Harijan Sahi villages constructed toilets & bathing rooms, making their villages open defecation free.
- 23 active water sources across five villages, constructed raised platforms for dug wells and soak pits for all tubewell infrastructures.
- Water quality tests conducted at all existing drinking water sources in six villages. 10 cadres received training to support in water quality management. Water quality reports shared with communities and necessary measures to be taken to prevent contamination were communicated through village meetings.
- 30 dustbins installed in four villages to manage solid waste. Awareness campaigns conducted on good sanitation & hygiene practices. Village cleaning programs conducted raising awareness around management of solid and liquid waste.
- Wall paintings on WASH, Nutrition and Health done in six villages.
- 214 solar street lights in six villages and 8 mini mast lights installed in four villages improving the safety and quality of life after nightfall.
- 500 solar home lights provided to families in six villages that supports children to study in case of grid failure.
- Formation and strengthening of Village Development Committees (VDCs) done in six villages through leadership trainings and regular involvement in the activites undertaken.
- Three child clubs and two adolescent girls clubs formed in three villages. Storytelling, interactive games and other activities were conducted to build their constructive learning.